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Noticing Again

Heading up to the Eagle/White Chief junction.

Instead of hiking, I am taking short walks of about 2 miles round trip.

I thought I was seeing a new flower; after some careful study (about 5 seconds), I realized that it is sulfur flower as it is aging.

I love the intense greenery of the thimble berry bushes that grow so faithfully across the Spring Creek bridge.

By the Honeymoon Cabin

The Honeymoon Cabin sits at the beginning of that trail, the tiny museum of the Mineral King Preservation Society. There is a tree that confounds me each time I paint it, and I decided to study it. It is a large juniper, with a smaller (comparatively speaking) branch coming out of it on the side, not 2 separate trees. In between the 2 parts is a weird growth, with a board on top of the weirdness.

The big old juniper just downstream has a wonky top. My friend said there used to be a footbridge across the creek in the vicinity, and we both thought that when the juniper falls, there will be a footbridge again.

This time when I tried to photograph my mystery flower, I had a dime in my pocket for comparison’s sake. And I decided it made a nice photo of greenery with a blurry Farewell Gap in the distance.


  1. Awe, I missed seeing you when I was up–for the MKDA meeting, potluck, and Music in the Mountains (lovin’ me de Oxford comma)!

    I’ve always been fascinated by that weathered old tree, too. Kids tend to pose in the hollowed out trunk.

    I’m glad you can get short walks in. I managed the Nature Trail up and road down for MinM, but that was my “major” hike of the visit. That trail needs work!

    • The bridge on the Nature Trail is SCARY.

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