Short Walk to Crystal Creek
One day a friend and I made the 2 mile round trip walk to Crystal Creek to fulfill my overwhelmingly vigorous commitment to exercise. (No need to be impressed.)

We realized that this is the first year we both sort of like goldenrod and concluded it must be the abundance, because it looks better in a mass than as a singleton.

We also admired the tremendous variety of colors and the extraordinary height of the grasses.

The flowers are good if you pay attention, and since I am all about noticing things this year, I am paying attention.

Crystal Creek looks kind of sorry this year, but it is just because we aren’t used to it flowing in a different channel with the main one dried up.

And, heading back is a familiar scene, looking toward Timber Gap. I decided to walk a mile or so up that trail for my next “excursion”.

I know you are aware that there is a big difference between walking 2 miles on relatively flat land vs. walking 2 miles up (and 2 miles down) on a steep, switchback-laden trail. Please be careful!
Indeed, Sharon! Thank you for your concern; I share it!
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