Day Five was a looking and thinking day, figuring out the final finessing of the Oak Tree Mural at St. Anthony’s Retreat in Three Rivers.

Get to work, Central California Artist because you have a mural to finish.

Hey, what is that up there in the corner of the sunshine?
Not what, but who?
That was so fun I’ll add another, this time a Scrub Jay.
All-righty-then, gotta have a California Quail.
And I hid something in this mural, but you might need to see it in person to find it.
And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
Tomorrow I’ll take a photo of the completed project. It doesn’t photograph well in the afternoon light.
I’ve enjoyed your artistic journey, and am impressed with the final product. I love the amazing alliterative avian addition, as (well).
As far as the “Where’s Waldo” object, I’ll probably never see this lovely mural in person, but it would be fun to look!
Sharon, thank you for participating in my oak growing adventure! I would be happy to take you to the mural when you are on your way up or down the hill this coming summer.
Why, thank you, I would enjoy that! Probably on my way down would be better, since on my way up I have a cooler-full of perishables that I would like to get into the fridge ASAP. I’ll be in touch, as “they” say!
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