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My current odd job is simply a painting of a mountain landscape. The odd part is that I am painting it 16-3/8″ x 29-7/8″ on a piece of Masonite.
After Trail Guy cut it, I covered it with 5 or 6 coats of flat white housepaint, sanding between each layer for a smooth surface.
Meanwhile, I studied the two photos, provided by the customers.
Neither one is the right proportions. Each has its own good points, so I combined them into a rough sketch, the proportions of the window opening and board. This is what I sent to the customers for approval.
The customers were very happy, so I sketched it onto the board.
Then, I put a very thin first layer over the white primer.When that is dry, I will continue layering, building up color, tightening up detail, until eventually I won’t be able to think of any way to make it better.
Then I’ll do the usual finishing steps: sign, photograph, varnish.
Because I know you want to know, all I know is that this is somewhere north of Lake Tahoe.