Last week I left you hanging on the cliff of Why Is The Central California Artist Doing Such an Odd Job?
More will be revealed in the fullness of time. Besides, this was a fun challenge.
I began tracing the design on the oval, which was a little different shape than the design. This required a bit more adjusting.
It is the first time I’ve used graphite paper to transfer and trace onto canvas so I wasn’t sure it would work.
It did, so I finished with the lettering.
Then I saw that the farmer needed to be larger on the canvas than on the actual label so there wouldn’t be so much blank space.
Yep, hard to see. Let’s add some oil paint, a first layer, and think about what colors should be used in the painting. The customer and I agreed that the colors in the actual labels weren’t going to look good on a painting.
Let’s continue this tomorrow.