“Interlude” is a musical term that means in interruption with a lude.
Wait, what?
Nothing. Just messing around with words. After finishing the oak tree mural, I had days of appointments, administrative work, errands, and other things that interfered with painting, However, I did get in a few days of painting Mineral King scenes, and here are the results.

In the interest of offering these paintings for sale, the following advertisement is for your convenience/to ignore – your choice.
I sell 6×18″ for $150 plus tax which brings it to about $160; the square is 10×10″ for $175 plus tax, about $190. The plan is to have a good inventory for this coming summer, but if you are interested in buying any of these paintings now, it can be arranged. Comment here or contact me with the contact button or email me or say something to Trail Guy if you see him at the Post Office or grocery store.
1 Comment
I’m always happy to see Mineral King as the subject of your drawings and/or paintings. But then again, I may be just a wee bit biased?
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