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Oil Paintings Sold in July (Have you seen these??)

Is this going to be a regular feature of the blog? I hope so.

These are the paintings that sold in July. Did I show you these yet? I can’t find an answer to this question, so if you have seen this, consider it a rerun, because it is a rerun, unless it isn’t.

Good Grief Charlie Brown.


  1. OK, my favorite? A toss-up between the trail among aspen, and the full Sequoia tree.

    And no, I don’t remember seeing these, but don’t count on me. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday. Oh, wait. Eggs and toast. And coffee. Yeah, that was it.

    • Sharon, all my paintings look alike so it is difficult to remember which version of what repeated subject has been painted/scanned/sold/posted. As I recently heard, “It’s all criss-cross applesauce”.

      Again, the trail scene drew you in.

      • What can I say? I love trails!

        (Especially level ones. Yep.)

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