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Okie Dokie, Much Less Smokie

The air was really good on Thursday, only unhealthy instead of hazardous. I was able to paint!

Let’s have another look outside:

I thought about skipping work and going for a walk.

Nope, I have customers who are patiently waiting for their work, and those custom Christmas ornaments are beginning to nag at me a bit (the ornaments, not the customer).

Oops. Somehow my 8×10″ photos of Hume Lake got all glued together. I tried to soak them apart, but whatever substance is uniting them into a solid clump will not respond to water. I will just paint using photos on the computer screen.

Here they are awaiting more work on the lake side of each ornament, but instead, I need to get the other side, the secret side, up to date.

I will show you one blurry photo of the other side. If you recognize this cabin, just pretend as if you don’t.

Happy Birthday, Reader Anne!


  1. I love the ornaments! If I had a tree, I would proudly display one. But I don’t because . . . cats!

    P.S. Happy Birthday Central California Artist J.B.!

    • Sharon, I like the ornaments a little bit better with each pass. And no tree here either – cats broke us of the habit, and now that we don’t have indoor cats, we never think of a tree any more.

      P.S. Thank you.

  2. Thank you! Happy birthday to you too …. My neighbor just brought down pumpkin bread – so sweet of her!

    It’s a good day !

    • Thank you, Anne and I agree, it IS a good day! (Pumpkin bread!!)

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