Why does it matter what a flower’s name is? Why do I want to know? Why did it matter enough to me to spend 2 years chasing, photographing, writing, designing, and ultimately publishing Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names?
My first answer to that question is “inquiring minds need to know”.
My second answer (borrowed from a friend who said this to me once), “Well, of course it is important! Look at the first job ever given to the first human being!” (Yes, she spoke with exclamation points.)
My third and fourth answers are taken from a podcast I listened to recently. Someone was being interviewed about learning the names of the trees and frogs that she saw and heard every day. She said this (paraphrased by me): “Learning a name takes you from being an observer to being a participant.”
She also said, “Learning names makes you care more”.
If you bought a book or are thinking about it, what is your why?

All great quotes on the importance of names, Jana. They mean so much more than just labeling.
Louise, you are right. It was good to learn some solid reasons for why naming our flowers felt so important to me.
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