Are you asking yourself why I keep showing you the same scene, Farewell Gap, over and over again? I’m asking myself that question. The answer is that I keep painting the same scene over and over. The paintings are never identical, because that would be impossible.
- Farewell Gap XII, 8×10″, oil on wrapped canvas, $90, available at the Silver City Store AKA Silver City Resort
This isn’t the replacement version for the one that burned, but it is.
Oh please, what is with the doublespeak?
Whenever a painting sells at the Silver City Store, I rush to paint another one to sell. The selling season is very short at that location, and I can’t be lollygagging around. I painted this because Farewell Gap X sold.
Nice creative name, California Artist.
Oh hush. It is my way of painting series. If you stop being so snotty to me, maybe I will show you the progression of paintings of this subject.
Why do you think we’d want to see that?
‘Cuz it is interesting to see growth. Then you can gloat at how horrible I used to paint and ask me for a refund or a redo of the paintings you bought from my “primitive” stage.
But what is with the doublespeak?
Farewell Gap X sold, then it burned up in a cabin fire. I am painting Farewell Gap XI to replace Farewell Gap X for the survivors of the fire, and Farewell Gap XII replaced the sold piece in the store.
Alllll-righty then.
Hi Jana,
The cabin fire at the resort? Jenny and I tried to help that night. Had great help from the people staying in the resort, they were awesome.!!!
Farewell Gap XII looks fab as usual.
Hugs and Love,
Melissa, the staff and all at Silver City were quick thinking and quick acting – averted a terrible disaster. Thanks for your kind words on the painting!
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