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Painting in a Makeshift Studio in Mineral King

These photos are from Three Rivers yesterday morning around 9:30 a.m. We are under mandatory evacuation from Mineral King and cannot go there. Evacuation is voluntary for our section of Three Rivers.

This post is about time spent in Mineral King approximately 2-3 weeks ago.

I guess that any place an artist decides to paint can be called a studio. I painted on the back porch of the cabin. (I hope I get to do that again next year.)

First, I started three of the paintings at home.

These three along with 3 blank canvases went to Mineral King. Because paintings have been selling well at Kaweah Arts , I wanted to keep my inventory up for them.

It wasn’t an ideal situation for painting, but I made decent progress over the course of several sessions (while avoiding red fir cones that the chickarees were dropping out of trees in the backyard).

It involved days of moving them inside to the stairs at night and back outside to dry during the day.

These 2 might be finished.

When the others are finished, I will scan them. Maybe I will remember to show you. Maybe they will show up in a post about sold paintings.


  1. Ugh, the smoke, Ugh! Unfortunately, I’ve seen views like that here at home. Ugh!

    I do like the picture of old redwoods against an old cabin wall. Rustic to the max!

    And I do love my painting of sawtooth, and of the Kaweah Post Office, both of which are proudly sitting on my living room mantle. <3

    • Oh Sharon, everything feels grim right now. Thank you for your words of encouragement and positive attitude.

      • What we think and how we worry will not change the outcome. But we know the One who can, and so prayer is our best option. Not only does God hear His children, it calms and focuses our minds on HIs sovereignty and complete control over all that happens. That doesn’t mean things will go according to our will, but our faith is in a loving God that accomplishes everything for our good and His glory

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