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Painting in Mineral King

That was a confusing title. I was in Mineral King, painting non-Mineral King subjects. The heat in Mineral King is less uncomfortable than the swamp-cooler situation in my painting workshop. Sometimes in the past when I have been painting non-Mineral King subjects while in Mineral King, people have asked why I am not painting Mineral King. The answer is because there is a check, a customer, a gallery, or a store waiting for these particular paintings. (And, would you like to commission me to paint something here in Mineral King? This can be easily arranged.)

It is a little difficult for Joe Bag-of-Doughnuts from West Undershirt to accept the reality of art as a business. I do my best to educate him.

Moving on. . . here is how it looks to be painting non-Mineral King subjects while in Mineral King.

None of these are finished, all needing more details, edges painted, signing, and I have to pick some bugs out of the sky of the Moro Rock painting.

The wet paintings go on the stairs inside the cabin until time to take them home to be finished.

It isn’t ideal, but we make it work. I am very happy to have a place to sell my paintings and grateful to Nancy at Kaweah Arts for her terrific work on behalf of Three Rivers artists.


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