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Painting Mineral King with the Swamp Cooler

On another hot day with my brave swamp cooler, I focused on the giant oil painting of the classic Mineral King scene.

I was thankful to have the sky finished—well, finished unless I decide later that it isn’t finished. It is just too tall for me to reach, so some logistics must be addressed each time I work on it. Tabletop about 3′, lowest easel setting about 5″, top of painting another 3′. I’ve used a ladder in the past but my numb feet don’t want to stand on a rung these days. I do have a large floor easel, but am too lazy to set it up. It’s just one painting—I can stretch.

Details on the peaks, building up the background as I work lower (and closer to the viewer in the scene).

Fix that cabin!

Sort out the river ripples, rocks, and layers of willows according to the “map” I drew a couple of weeks ago. This distinction isn’t very visible in the final photo, but it makes sense to me.

Give up and go in the house. Five hours in the swampy heat is enough for today. I’m guessing to have about 15 hours remaining to completion. That is a WAG (Wild [Donkey] Guess), for those readers who always like to know how long a painting takes. This probably already had 3 hours in it before I started back up.


  1. I’m so sorry to hear you’re having foot trouble. Aging has its challenges for sure. You mentioned using a ladder. We got a Gorilla ladder a couple of years ago and it’s one of my favorite garage tools. The big advantage is steps instead of rungs. The 2 on the bottom are 7″ front to back and the third step is generously larger. This isn’t Gorilla brand, but it looks similar (not as sturdy).
    Keep painting!

    • Thank you, Donna! This will be good to know if the promises ever develop into real jobs. Meanwhile, I did chase down my floor easel in order to reach the top of the tall painting.

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