Jackson is our least friendly cat. He just comes around if he needs or wants something (not that he can tell the difference between needs and wants.) He is the most likely to ignore curfew and then come yelling around the bedroom window late at night when he wants to get into the workshop.
I painted later than usual one evening, and Jackson decided it was time for dinner. He would not be ignored. At least he didn’t bite me on my donkey. He has done that many times, the little big brat.

I started a new painting after putting several photos together on Photoshop Junior to see if my idea would work. Yeppers, I think this will be a winner, and I’m confident enough to paint it large (as I define “large”) —16×20″.

This is a painting that I work on in my head when I am out walking (or in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.)

I was so absorbed in this painting that Jackson resorted to vandalism to get my attention.

This scene has been tempting me for quite awhile, but I kept waiting for something. What? Maybe until I had more experience, more confidence, more ability. Or maybe I was waiting until I knew there will be a solo show to prepare for.
I painted a smaller one from the same viewpoint a few years ago as a thank you to the farmer who allows us to glean oranges (and take photos) in his groves.

He doesn’t read my blog, so he won’t say, “HEY! The new one is better than mine!” (even though it will be.)

Yes, I enlarged the mountain in the distance because I am the boss of my picture and this is the way I like it. it is either Maggie Mountain or Moses. I am voting for Moses, which is further north than Maggie.
The painting is beautiful!
Your Jackson looks like he may have some savanah cat mix in him with his spots/stripes and ringed tail. They have high energy levels and usually love water. Does Jackson?
Marlena, in appearance Jackson strongly resembles a cat we used to have who was high energy and liked water, which we thought was probably a Bengal. However, Jackson is sluggish, cranky, and overweight. I haven’t heard of “savanah cat”, but it certainly sounds like a Bengal.
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