When Trail Guy and I went to our friend’s barn to choose our kittens, I was struck by how appealing the outer wall of the barn looked. Alas, I didn’t have my camera with me. (Just hush up about smart phones, will ya?)
2 weeks later, another friend, the amazing S, emailed me a photo of the very barn wall because she happened to be there and thought I would like a photo. She knows me well and is a very thoughtful friend.
I set aside another drawing that has been putting me to sleep and started on this.
One of the things I continually tell my drawing students is, “Pick something you love because you will be staring at it for a long time.”
This will be an excellent addition to my 2019 calendar.
Today’s painting:

Love you chicken, very colorful! Good choice for calendar. Do you think the metal tubs for planting need to have holes drilled for drainage, or are they deep enough. I would like to have some in my back yard. Savannah’s weeds grow so quickly, it’s the South you know…..
Hi Janet – glad you like the chicken! It is fun to paint in non-landscape colors for a change. No idea about the tubs except that they look so good and gophers can’t get the plants.
Love your new drawing!
Thank you, Donna! This one was fun with all the little parts and pieces. I’ll show the finished piece on tomorrow’s post.
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