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Post Show Thoughts

“Still Here” is over. This is my first time to exhibit in Arts Visalia, and I don’t have anything to compare the show to, particularly in light of the virus approach to handling things. Four pieces sold, and the director thought that was great, because some shows have no sales. (That would be highly disheartening.) Many cards and a few books sold too. The last day had steady visitation, a great time to visit with friends and meet some new people with an interest in art. In spite of the low-key approach, not knowing if the video interview and the virtual show was viewed much (thank you, those of you who told me you watched!) and the wondering about actual visitation levels, I think the show was a good experience and worth doing.

These are the pieces that have new homes (when they are shipped or retrieved).

Yokohl Creek was by far the most favored piece, both by those who saw the show in person and online. One smart person wasted no time claiming it; I will package it up to ship on Monday.

Someone I don’t know bought Yokohl Sky, which is always a boost of confidence.

Dear friends bought the cabin drawing while we were hanging the show! They had to be sneaky about it because I would have happily just given it to them. (A wise friend once taught me this: “If your friends won’t do business with you, who will?”)

Of my 13 pencil drawings of flowing water, “Rough and Tumble” has been the favorite (It is the background of the homepage on my website), most often spoken about or wished for. A friend bought this one too, which really warmed my heart.


  1. Four pieces bought is an excellent result, especially since the gallery wasn’t fully open daily. I’m not sure what the attraction is for Yokohl Valley, but then again, I’m not a Yokohl Local!

    On the cabin drawing, is that a mini-cabin doghouse? Cute! And Congratulations! I hope you can do this again when we’re back to normal. Normal, as in 2019 normal!

    • Sharon, Yokohl is pretty, and it became a big deal when it was going to be turned into a town. People love their wild and undeveloped places.

      The little doghouse is actually covering a pump to prevent it from freezing. When I started working on the Wilsonia book, I asked the same question: “Why do so many people have doghouses??”

  2. I love the composition in Yokohl Sky…. it’s lovely.
    It probably looks like that now.

    • Anne, it is already brown (or golden yellow, perhaps) in the hills. Thank you for liking the painting – I felt pretty proud of that one, so different than others I’ve done. And it is a thrill when a stranger buys my work instead of all my friends and family, who I am just sure buy because they feel sorry for me!

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