For reasons that are irrelevant to my blog readers, this Friday is about previous Julys in Mineral King.
2010: Water was abundant, we were allowed to have bonfires, and White Chief still had snow.
2012: Bearskin was strong on the west side of Vandever (the peak on the right side of Farewell Gap), and there were some fantastic larkspur on the side of Farewell Gap’s main canyon.
2014: Rachelle’s (of new lungs) husband got a whiff of Sky Pilot on Farewell Gap, Franklin Falls was flowing strong.
2016: The flowers were fantastic at the Franklin/Farewell Gap trail junction.
2018: The classic view, and waterflow was still good in July. (2nd photo along the Nature Trail).

Thus we conclude a brief look at several previous Julys in Mineral King. “Julies”? Nope. Julys.
Love these beautiful photos!
Aw shucks, Rachelle, thank you, and thank you for commenting!
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