The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. I paint with 2 versions of each of these three colors plus white.
Some say white is the absence of color, some say it is the sum of all color, some claim it is not a color. Doesn’t matter – it is impossible to mix colors without it.
The primaries keep appearing in my life. Early in my painting career, I took half a semester of painting at College of the Sequoias. We were given the assignment to copy one of the old masters. I chose Vermeer, and later realized the primaries figured in large in the painting.

Our next assignment was a still life, and I brought these items. Still life paintings usually consist of things like a vase, a lemon, a rose, and maybe a skull. No thanks.
I noticed these gas cans while walking through a town in Alaska.
My flower pots often end up with primary colors without planning. Now I do it on purpose, but it used to just happen subconsciously.
Recently, the primaries plus white appeared in my yard. Apparently in addition to liking the primary colors, we like to sit.
I agree, primary colors are bright, cheery, inviting. Looking around my home, I see that most of my objects are in shades of brown since my furniture was inherited from grandparents. Fortunately, I love the natural wood colors (maple, mahogany, pine, etc.).
P.S. I’m glad your calendars sold out! Mauriene loves hers, and I’ll see January in just 4 days!
Turquoise would be a nice pop of color against all the brown.
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