The oil painting commission of Homer’s Nose With the Oak Grove Bridge felt too hard. Was I low on sleep? (That was both my parents’ question and/or conclusion any time there was a problem both growing up and as an adult.) Distraction was present in the form of some cats, a friend or two stopping by, the heat, lots of unfinished projects. . . but the main problem might have been fear.
So, I listened to the song “Fear is a Liar” by Zach Williams on repeat for an hour or so, and then I started a new painting of the same bridge from the same angle.
When I don’t know how to do the next step on a project, I often begin a new project. This may be the first time I’ve started a second painting of the same subject, the very one that has me handcuffed.

During this time of unfocused indecision, all my Mineral King paintings were crated up, ready to go to Silver City for the Art: Inspired by Mineral King show. This gave me a sense (albeit a false one) of not having enough paintings to sell. On top of that ridiculousness, I began the magical thinking of “What If Everything Sells and Then I Have Nothing of Mineral King?”
My response to that was to begin another 6×6″ painting of Sawtooth. Here they are on the drying wall in their sloppy scribble stage, along with the completed river painting.
Yep. Good decision. When you can’t get your work finished, just begin more work.
Aren’t you glad you stopped by for this uplifting, realistic, encouraging piece of artistic wisdom?
Thanks for the Zach Williams, Fear is a Liar, suggestion! It’s not solving the problem I’m having but it’s a reminder to keep pushing through it
Hi Leigh, Fear IS a liar – don’t let it get you down. Your jewelry is GORGEOUS. Thanks for stopping by!
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