Happy Birthday, Anne!!
Trail Guy and I had plans for 2 more stays in Mineral King before closing the cabin. Then he got a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract so we adjusted our plans. Then I got it. Well, bummer, but I still had to make a trip up the hill to photograph a Silver City cabin for a commissioned pencil drawing.
(Not gonna show you the photos because it will be a surprise for the recipient, who may or may not read this blog.)
I got the photos, and we tootled on up the hill. It was overcast, only very briefly conducive to good photos. Here is my one feeble attempt.
We stayed about an hour, split some firewood, loaded up the large redwood Adirondack chair, and headed back home. There is such a melancholy feel to the place when it is minus sunshine and friends.
I tried one more shot through the window of the Botmobile but was a little slow on the draw. (Yes, there is some snow on Farewell Gap and Bearskin is looking like itself once again.)
The melancholy was lifted by a long nap and a visit with these creatures when we got home.

And getting some rain was quite a boost, along with the aftermath of the storm.

I always feel sad when I head down the Mineral King Road for the last time each season. And I have been there late in September when only a cabin or two was occupied. It is a bit spooky. And very cold. Yay, for a good supply of firewood!
(Botmobile, heh heh)
Hi, Tucker! Hi, Scout!
Sharon, yes, a bit spooky, definitely cold, and just sad.
it was Gerry and Mignon Gregg in Silver City who used to recognize the sound of Michael’s pick-up coming up the road, and they’d say, “Here comes the Botmobile!”
And Tucker is now singing soprano. 😎
But don’t forget, for several years in the 1970s we thought every summer was our last summer! At least we have something to look forward to–May, 2019!
Now you’ll have to call Tucker “The Castrato Kitty!”
Anonymous, Tucker will still be my “Tuck-man” cat. . .
Oh, I’m so sorry–that was me, Jana! I forgot to fill in my info. Here, I’ll do it this time. “The More You Know” tm NBC-TV
Thank you Jana.
64… how did that happen?
You must know that your blog is part of my morning quiet time. I’m leading a group of women through Rooted, at church. That requires reading, and thought provoking questions. I sit at my desk that looks out to the culdesac (not as pretty as your view), with a candle burning … and your pencil sketch … collage … of Mineral King on the wall to my left. Small world.. right?
Last week it talked about cultivating a lifestyle of worship. I think you do that well ..your appreciation of nature, loving people well, sharing your gifts with others!
Anne, that is so kind of you. I am honored to have a part of your quiet time. If we lived near one another, I’d BEG to be in your group. Grovel, even!
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