What’s wrong with this picture?

The downhill lane isn’t convincing, the leafy bush/tree over Guardsman #2 is too yellow and looks like a cultivated roundie-moundie, and the growies in that center lane are too mushy.

All better now.
What’s wrong with this picture?
The downhill lane isn’t convincing, the leafy bush/tree over Guardsman #2 is too yellow and looks like a cultivated roundie-moundie, and the growies in that center lane are too mushy.
All better now.
I thought it was because a golf cart could barely fit between the trees! You know, like the driving through Cabin Cove when the “Seventh Heaven” sign hung above two trees straddling the road.
Or maybe that IS how skinny that road is, I haven’t driven it in decades. But your painting is beautiful!
Thank you, Sharon. It IS skinny. One morning very very early when Michael was going to work, he encountered a big rig stuck between those trees. Phooey, he can’t remember the details.
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