Random and Personal

A popular radio show talker once advised his callers: “Before you pick up the phone and dial this show, ask yourself the important question: Does anyone care?”

Eh, well, it’s my blog, and I know most of my readers as friends in real life, and know you all would be polite if I rambled about these things in person.

  1. I won a book for the first time in the GoodReads give-away. This is after about 4 years of trying. The book is Becoming Bulletproof: Protect Yourself, Read People, Influence Situations, and Live Fearlessly by Evy Poumpouras, a former Secret Service agent to 3 presidents. If you are on Goodreads and want to follow me or (or be followed by me), I am simply under my name, both first and last. 
  2. If I had to eat only the food I was able to grow, I’d starve to death. But I will never stop trying!
  3. I wouldn’t be very successful if growing to supply florists, but I won’t stop trying to grow flowers either.
  4. Pippin is so appealing. The cats found a way to sneak out at night, but I think I have stopped that rebelliousness.

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  1. The cats out at night issue! We live in orange grove/coyote territory. Our cats all have wanted to sleep all day and be out all night. That is until they get old and just want to sleep all the time. It is a battle to get them to old age.

    • Nancy, it is so hard to let a cat be a cat and preserve its life at the same time.

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