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Random Photos of Late Spring

These photos are simply things on my property that I thought you might appreciate. Sometimes it is more enjoyable to look at cats and flowers than to watch paint dry.

This honeysuckle grows on the side of my studio and smells heavenly when the door is open. (Stop scratching your screen!)
I sowed some poppy seeds with an expired date on the package. So far two have been white, or perhaps cream or light yellow.
Jackson doesn’t care about the late season brodiaea but seems to be entranced by something that he might want to kill. This variety is called elegant brodiaea.
The piecemeal fence in the herb garden has needed paint for a couple of years. If I had done it earlier in the season, I would have been able to reach all the parts that are currently covered by growth.
Oh well, it is better than before, as long as the plants hide the unpainted portions

Oh no! I took you right back into watching paint dry!

Tomorrow: Sold in Spring

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