Here are some photos from a recent stay in Mineral King. I didn’t hike, so this is not a trail report. It was a social weekend, with lots of knitting, some wood splitting, a short walk, and lots of visiting with friends.
A friend stopped by the cabin. She is going through chemo, and her head gets cold. I remembered that I knit this cowl earlier this year and was just waiting for the right recipient. It was very satisfying to both of us!I finished this sweater for a neighbor girl.We had an afternoon thundershower, and it cleaned the pollen and dust off of everything.Just your basic Dudes On The Porch photo.Sierra Gentian are out.Goldenrod are early this year.
Can you read or understand this sign? Apparently very few other people can because there is a ton of dogs on the trails.Wild iris only appear in one place in Mineral King, and I missed them this year.This is a new-to-me flower.Some cars wear masks and some do not.
The Park will not be opening the Mineral King campgrounds this summer. In spite of camping being a healthy and low-risk activity, the main ranger is concerned about his employees who would be interacting with the public in the campgrounds, cleaning outhouses and emptying garbage.
When will the chaos and confusion and conflict end???