Ever heard of the Redbud Festival in Three Rivers, California?
WHAT: Annual arts/crafts fair in which 30-50 makers of beautiful things gather to sell their wares.
WHEN: Saturday, May 12, 10-5 and Sunday, May 13, 10-4
WHERE: Three Rivers Veterans Memorial Building (on Sierra Drive, weird, roundish white building, screaming ’50s-’60s architecture)
WHO: Local and semi-local artists and crafters (both the cute and the highly skilled types of crafters – you decide which is which)
HOW: Just show up. Bring money. Bring a nice attitude. Bring a friend. Bring your Mom.
- EXTRA FACT: The redbud tree finished blooming in March. (I just work here.)
- EXTRA FACT: I will have 4 of my 5 coloring books because the one on the Parks is SOLD OUT!
- EXTRA FACT: There might possibly be a few packages of those new experimental Mineral King cards
- EXTRA FACT: I will bring a bunch of paintings not yet seen in public (unless you count this blog as public, which it probably is, since this is the WORLD WIDE WEB)