Here are the promised 7 observations and thoughts about the 45th Annual Redbud Festival in Three Rivers.
- There weren’t very many vendors and visitation was low except for one exciting surge. I don’t worry about low attendance, because it gives me more time to learn who people are and to spend time hearing their stories.
- Mineral King Wildflowers sold very well. People like the newest thing.
- The coloring book fad is definitely fading.
- This year’s big attention-getting painting was Sawtooth with wildflowers in the foreground. People loved it. And, when it was their favorite painting, they bought a package of notecards of Sawtooth drawn in pencil with colored wildflowers in the foreground. Say what??
- The Show Special* was a good idea – 5 of the 8 paintings sold.
- More people liked my old detailed layered style of painting than the new, painterly style (except for the Show Specials).
- Funny story: I NEVER break down my booth ahead of the end, and if someone wants to linger and shop, I wait for them. A man spent a fair amount of time in my booth at the end, trying to decide between 2 paintings of the Oak Grove Bridge (my favorite subject to draw and paint). Back and forth, lots of questions, look, look, look, the 6×18″ or the 10×10″. He was very appreciative and complimentary, definitely wanting to take home a painting. His girlfriend came into the booth, and pointed to the one called “Alpenglow on Alta Peak” and said “I like that one!” Suddenly he said, “I’ll take that one”, pointing to the Alpenglow. Decision made.

*Show Specials were 4×6″ paintings done in the alla prima style of wildflower scenes, offered for $40 instead of the normal $50 for that size.
Yaay! A good day for you and your new approach. I don’t see that the beach painting I love sold.:)
Louise, the beach painting didn’t sell, although someone wants to contact me about making payments on it. I can always paint it or a similar scene again, which might be necessary, since I painted it to enter a show titled “Seascapes”.
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