My blog has a technical problem that I have been ignoring because it just seems impossible to solve. Today, I am giving it a try.
I am specifically addressing those of you who get notifications of blog posts in their email. Many of you think you are reading my blog when you are actually reading an email with the blog post in it, because you subscribed. (THANK YOU!) Almost everyone who reads my blog in their email cannot see the photos.
I have not been able to figure out why subscribers aren’t getting the photos in the emails. I no longer have a web designer; there is someone who helps me if I am in a pinch, such as getting hacked, but she has forty-eleven other jobs, and my website is not on the top of her list.
So, I have begun the unpleasant and distasteful task of trying to figure this out. Since most of my subscribers are even less techie than I am, this may not be possible. I might snatch myself bald or scream a little bit and then quit, but here is my first attempt.

If you are willing, please email or comment to let me know two things:
- Can you see the picture in this email notification?
- What device are you using? I need to know what brand (Apple or HP or . . .?) and what kind of thing it is (laptop, desktop, tablet, iPad, cell phone, etc.)
P.S. If you want to see the photos, you need to click on the title of the blog post as it appears when you open the email. It will take you to my actual blog on the internet where you can read the post and see the pictures. (The blog is a page on my website, You can do this if you want to see Pippin in this post, but first, please answer my two questions above.
Sorry I missed this yesterday. I had to work……I’m in group 6.
Jim, thank you for checking in. It will be tricky to figure this out, but it seems that the non-Mac folks have consistent visibility with the pictures. (You had to work??)
I can see the pictures in the emails. I have an iPhone 12 Pro and am using MS Outlook as an email app. I can see the pictures in the google app as well. Hope this helps!
Dan, thank you! I am beginning to guess that the newer and bigger the iPhone, the better chance of seeing those photos. Somehow I need to learn what settings on an iPhone make the pictures visible so I can explain it to those who cannot see them.
I think Dan may have stumbled onto something! It may depend on which email program we iPhone users are using to access emails!
And BINGO! This is the solution. Dan said he used Outlook to read mail. I just used the Gmail app on my iPhone and I CAN see the images. But cannot if I use the built-in email program. Ta-Da! So if you took another poll, I betcha those who use the built-in email app (icon is a blue square with white envelope) they will not be able to see the images, but can if they use any other app.
Sharon, you get the Sherlock Holmes Award for the year!! Maybe. I’ll have to see how that all applies. THANK YOU!!
1) I can always see your wonderful pictures, just by opening your email.
2) I have a desktop computer that was put together by Total Knowledge in Visalia with components of their choice.
Gooood luck with solving your problem! If computers are so smart, why don’t they fix themselves???
I can see pics. It comes in my email. I am using an Apple 13 pro phone
to answer your questions, I use an Apple phone and a Apple Mac desktop. When I get these emails, the pictures don’t show on the iPhone, even though I tapped the box to download the pictures. I can go to the desktop computer and the pictures are there. And I love this picture of your kitty.
Christmas greetings and good luck!
Now it looks like my comment did not go through. I do see your photos. Android cellphone
I lied! After I sent the email saying I couldn’t see Pippin, I looked again and there was his little yellow self sleeping.
I cannot see the picture in today’s email. I’m using my Samsung android cell phone. I have been seeing the pictures in your previous emails both on this cell phone and my computer.
I can see the pictures – desktop
Jana, I can’t see the photos.I have an apple iPad.
I cannot see the picture on my iPhone, but can on my iPad.
Good morning Jana.
Happy to help you out. After all the pleasant mornings I’ve enjoyed reading your blog, it’s the least I can do.
I’m writing to you from my Dell laptop running Microsoft software. I can clearly see your pretty kitty relaxed and purring.
On the other hand, when I look at my old iphone, which I do most every morning during coffee, I can never see your photos within the email.
I have to copy and paste the URL into my web browser in order to see the pictures.
I’ve checked out both devices this morning and those results are true this morning as well.
Good luck with you technical task. I would let you borrow my 10 year old grand-nephew for the day, but he’s in school.
Suzanne Turner
Hello! I am one of the “less techies” for sure. When I read your emails, I see a description of the painting/photo but no image. I have an apple i-phone. Today, I clicked on the title as you suggested and voila – Pippen! Hope this helps you.
iPhone. Can not see pictures unless I click on the blog name.
1. No
2. iPhone
This is Carol, I do not see your pictures in the email notice, although conversation is there. I always click title to read your blog on the website. I read your blog on my Apple 6s iPhone.
Most computer issues are a “tear your hair out while screaming at the monitor” type issues. I get it! Maybe you can find a WordPress expert at COS who can earn some extra credit? Anyhoo, here’s my report.
Reading your blogpost (via email) on my PC desktop, I ALWAYS see all pictures.
Reading your blogpost (via email) on my iPhone, I NEVER see any of the pictures. I only see the captions. If I tap on the link, I ALWAYS see all pictures.
It’s been this way for awhile. So when I see your blogpost email on my iPhone, I just wait until I’m on the desktop to read your email so I can view the pictures.
1) I cannot see the photos in your e-mail, I always have to go to your online blog to view.
2) I have an Apple 13 phone
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