I have been commissioned to paint Sawtooth on a saw blade. Hence, saw/saw.
The blade is about 4′ in diameter and is heavy metal. I lifted it onto my round table and then couldn’t figure out whether or not I should lean on the teeth to get the balance off myself and onto the table. The weight made the decision for me – it was too heavy to hold while I decided whether or not the teeth would hurt me.
Round blade on a round table.This photo was the customer’s preferred view and seems to be the most popular version of Sawtooth I’ve ever painted. I got lucky with my timing on that photo, which is how most of my good reference photos happen. Wait. It isn’t luck; it is Divine Intervention.Most of the colors were already mixed in my mural paints.Starting from back to front means sky first, clouds next.That went fast. Here are the colors I might need for Sawtooth.Sawtooth’s colors look different all the time, so I don’t have to match the photo, just make it look good.Oops. The camera was on a weird setting (Poster effect? What means that??) I wondered why things were looking darker on my camera than in real life!
And that’s all you get to see today. Tomorrow is Friday, and Fridays are for Mineral King.
See you on Monday? I’ll show you . . . theĀ restĀ of the story! (Anyone else around here grow up listening to Paul Harvey?)