It used to be that self-published books were the poor cousin of traditionally published books. They looked and read as if they needed some serious editing and design help. My British friend has a phrase for such projects: “Loving hands at home”.
The quality and success of self-publishing depends on how much work the author wants to put into the process.
Louise A. Jackson and I want Trail of Promises to look completely professional. Completely. Our goal is perfection, or as close to perfection as we can get with our current level of skills and knowledge.
There is self-publishing and then there is assisted self-publishing.
The folks whose story Louise is telling planned to do assisted self-publishing. When I got involved, I suggested real (unassisted?) self-publishing so they would not have to pay for a package deal that cost an arm and a leg in addition to buying the books to sell.
In all this wrangling and deciding, we decided that I am the publisher!
So are they traditionally published by Cabinart Books? Or is it Louise who is getting traditionally published by Cabinart Books? Or are Louise and I self-publishing together?
Who cares? Trail of Promises promises to be a beautiful book that tells an intriguing story of 3 people who packed the John Muir Trail with mules. It didn’t turn out the way they planned.
I’m hoping the book will turn out the way we planned, as we continue awaiting the proof copy.
Coloring books will be available again on July 1, 2016. You may order, but it will involve a wait.
Wow about the book project, Jana! Hope everything comes together beautifully for you and your friend. It looks like the photography is going to be gorgeous!
Thank you, Cheryl. It has been very challenging, very fun, and you are right about the photography. It will be only black and white in the book, and I am on pins and needles about how they will look on paper as opposed to my computer screen.
Wow! You are amazing …
Aw shucks, Diane, thank you. I am determined and love to learn new things and LOVED working with Louise. Once I became involved in the project, there was NO WAY I was going to drop the ball. Sometimes it was very much too hard, but I just kept chipping away at things, looking for answers, trying stuff. . . says she, with a slight twitch.
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