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Selling During The Infernal Inferno

In spite of the store at the Silver City Resort and the consignment store Kaweah Arts both being closed due to the infernal inferno, I have had some good sales. Some of these were before the fire (I was waiting for the month to end); others are through the Mural Gallery in Exeter.

This giant sequoia is actually acrylic mural paint on scrap boards, about 2×4′, to be hung outdoors.

This is all pretty encouraging. It also means that I have to revise my list of what will be in the show at the Exeter Courthouse Gallery in November and December. I might have to see if I can produce a bit more than previously planned. This is not a problem; it is good news. Why? Because. . .

Using pencils, oil paint, and murals, I make art you can understand, of places and things you love, for prices that won’t scare you.


  1. You GO GIRL!! This is such exciting news! Your paintings are a work of art…. totally beautiful!!

    • Thank you for calling me “Girl”, Anonymous. That is almost a nicer compliment than the one about my paintings, which I sincerely appreciate.

  2. I like the painting second from the top because it’s at an angle that is not the usual, standard, generic, normal cabin view. Sometimes abnormal is good. Just ask me!

    • Sharon, I started that painting while standing by the bridge, trying the plein air techniques. I didn’t like the results and redid it in the painting workshop at home before I thought it was good enough to sell.

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