A young woman named Sarah works at the Silver City Store. She told me that she loves my painting on display there titled “Big & Tall”.
(In case you are wondering why anyone could “love” this painting, remember that it looks way better in person!)
I told her that I could paint one for her in a size that would fit her budget (and suitcase – I believe she lives a fairly peripatetic lifestyle – and “peripatetic” is a great word that you might want to look up and adopt).
She was excited, and chose 6×18″. We discussed the cropping that would be necessary since this is narrower proportionately compared to the 18×36″. Sarah said she trusted my judgement, so I began.
First I found the reference photo. Then I folded paper around it and experimented with the cropping until it looked right.
Then, I mixed the colors and began.
I am getting used to the mess of a beginning painting; it doesn’t make me feel visually assaulted any more. Does this mean I am finally accepting myself as an oil painter instead of just a pencil artist who paints?
Maybe so!
Of course I know what “peripatetic” means! It’s how you describe two patetics!
Sharon provides another laugh. Well, just a grin. 😎
We aim t’ please, ma’am!
Yeppers, and we aim to keep workin’ too.
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