Have you heard that thing “Sitting is the new smoking”?
Been thinking about chairs recently. My cabin neighbors are replacing some living room furniture, and it would be awful if their old pieces went to the dump. My couch needs recovering, so why not cover theirs from the ’40s and dump mine from the ’80s? And if I move a chair from the living room to the studio, I can put theirs in the living room. . .

This blue chair from the living room could replace this red one in the studio. The red one is very hard for people to get out of, so this makes sense.

The red chair is outdoor furniture. (What kind of dork puts outdoor furniture inside? This kind of dork, that’s who.) Sorry, the wooden chair isn’t for sale. I could draw it for you. . .
Today’s art is of chairs, all pencil or colored pencil drawings:

I could keep on going, but this is just getting embarrassing. What is the deal? Am I a closet sitter??
Actually, I was starting to think that you were the Fonz.
Dan, was he a closet sitter? Or a closet smoker? 😎
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