1.Quill Driver Books is a traditional publishing company in Fresno. Fresno?? How could I have not heard of this place? They aren’t accepting any submissions, but the books they sell look very interesting.

2. Just for fun, have a look at this tree called the “wonky conker”. I don’t remember where I saw it, but it is a real curiosity.

3. I heard someone say in an interview, “I’d rather have questions without answers than be told answers without being able to ask questions.” Amen!

4. My feet hurt. I thought it is peripheral neuropathy (from 2 different podiatrists), but now I have learned that it could be Morton’s neuroma, something I had never heard of. I am figuring it out on my own, and not having much confidence in doctors right now. (I’m afeared* that it’s both.)

5. No cussing in pickleball. Really! If you cuss in a tournament, there are penalties. The friend who explained this to me said it has to do with respect for the game. In today’s world of coarse language, this is refreshing. (I thought the pickleball players that I occasionally watch were just all on good behavior because most of them attend the same church!)

6. If you grow your hair to have it made into a wig or hairpiece, when it is time to cut it, it’s best to divide it into 4 ponytails, then cut it 1″ above the rubber band. AND, don’t cut it wet because it could mold. (Eeewww) Most places that take donations need a minimum of 10″, and some require as much as 12″. I wonder if I can hold out against a haircut for another 6 months. . .

7. Grocery shopping in new stores is kind of stressful; in one day I visited Sprouts for the first time (shockingly expensive and fancy), Aldi’s (priced about the same as Winco with much less selection), and finally I went to Winco with tremendous relief. Good grief Charlie Brown—I need to get out more if visiting new grocery stores stresses me.

8. You know those cartoons of pretty ladies from the 1950s with sarcastic and inappropriate captions? The originator of many is someone named Anne Taintor, and you can find 102 of them on The Bored Panda. So funny!! (Maybe other people have done these captioned funnies too, but I just learned about Anne Taintor.)
*I know that’s not a word. I’m trying to put a little levity into a rather alarming situation.
There is a website I like called barkingdogshoes.com. The gal there reviews different shoe companies for people with troublesome feet. I found out about Altra shoes there, they have very wide toe boxes that are very comfortable. She mentions Morton’s neuroma, so if you need better shoes she should have a suggestion there.
Thank you, Marjie! Turns out I don’t have one of those dreaded neuromas. Barking Dog Shoes is a great resource, and I will include it on my learned in February post.
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