How does one “squish a meadow”?
One layer at a time, with oil paint on canvas, a 6×18″ canvas to be specific. Canvases this size and shape have become popular; they seem to fit well into odd spaces for people. I can accommodate this.
This is how Crescent Meadow in Sequoia National Park looked about 2 weeks ago.

The proportions are different in this photo than on a 6×18″ canvas. Can I squish this into a horizontal format? Can I stretch it out and remain believable? Sure. This is a forgiving subject, not an architectural exactitude where I have to artificially elongate things, maybe shorten the height and add a few windows. That would be neither forgiving nor believable.

After this is dry, I will look at it with more critical eyes, add a few more details, decide if the colors are really correct, and then sign it.
And honestly, Dear Readers, my paintings look a ton better in person.