Showing in a good gallery involves many tasks, like gathering a mailing list, completing a contract, providing digital images for publicity, titling and pricing all work, making an inventory list, coming up with a title for the show, and horror of horrors, writing an artist statement.
I have been working on this last one for awhile. You may remember that I despise the pretentious way that artists tend to talk, which I call ArtSpeak, occasionally poking fun at some of the nonsense. (A post about it is here.) So, I wrote up an artist statement and sent it to a dear friend who has helped me with many marketing tasks through the years.
This is not my artist statement but it is what I said to her when requesting her help in editing.
“In reading guidelines for writing an artist statement (just the very term causes my lip to curl up in disgust), I have come up with the following and wondered if you could be Jane Bag-of-Donuts from West Undershirt and see if it reads well, makes sense, and is straightforward enough for Tulare County without insulting the Wanna-be Snobs.”
More will be revealed in the fullness of time. . .
If I was a smoker, I’d light up about now, but I think I’ll knit a few rows instead.

(I’m on a roll–three comments in a row without the dreaded “404” knock on wood!)
“Jane Bag-of-Donuts from West Undershirt.” Wasn’t she one of Henry VIII’s wives?
YARN!!! Working on (crocheting) a baby blanket for a friend whose baby boy is due in March. I think I’ll get it done in time!
Sharon, way to avoid the 404 thing – good grief, why does that thing plague your computer?? What color for the baby blanket? I have some peach cotton on standby for a little girl due in June.
The yarn I had on hand is variegated (side note: do you know the difference between variegated and ombre?) with blue, purple, pink, green. I’ll take a photo of its progress later today and email it to you.
The peach sounds sweet! That’s one lucky little baby girl!
Sharon, I think ombre has one color fading gently into the next; variegated has distinct different colors.
Ding Ding Ding We have a winner! Pick up your virtual prize at your earliest convenience!
(I forgot to take a photo of the afghan yesterday–today, for sure!)
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