My 2-1/2 month show, Simply Home, at CACHE is almost over. I’ve done my best to show you all the entire exhibit so that if you live far away, you can see my entire current body of work.
Here are the final three oil paintings.

My 2-1/2 month show, Simply Home, at CACHE is almost over. I’ve done my best to show you all the entire exhibit so that if you live far away, you can see my entire current body of work.
Here are the final three oil paintings.
My 2-1/2 month show, Simply Home, at CACHE is almost over. I’ve done my best to show you all the paintings, and now I have 2 blogging days remaining with three paintings left to show you.
That worked out pretty well, except I didn’t show you the three pencil drawings.
What’s an artist to do?
How about the three pencil drawings today and the three oil paintings tomorrow?
While at the Mural Gallery for my November shift, I painted. My goal was to be productive in between customers by completing some of the plein air paintings from the week in Monterey.
Worked out pretty well.
As I was moving everything out to my car, I looked east and remembered many reason I always loved being in Exeter: tractors in downtown, the water tower with EXETER on it, seeing Sawtooth and Homer’s Nose, trees with fall color, the Post Office, all visible from where I used to have my studio.
One last view in case you didn’t get enough photos today.
The show hangs until December 29 at CACHE in Exeter. Their hours are Friday 1:30-4, Saturday 10-4, Sunday noon-4. It includes about 50 paintings, 3 original pencil drawings, calendars, cards, coloring books, The Cabins of Wilsonia books, and a few pencil reproduction prints.
Last week I did some sketching and designing for a very difficult pencil commission. It is breaking a hard and fast rule that I have set for myself, but I can’t figure out how to say no and still help the customer. It’s too scary to show you right now. . . more will be revealed. . .
Then I painted hard. How hard?
I painted so hard that my brush snapped. That’s a first for me in 18 years of painting.
These two paintings got moved into the house near the wood stove to dry. There’s more to be done on both, but I am spending my week working on my presentation for How To Draw.
Tuesday, November 12, 6:30-7:30, I will give a demo/talk called How To Draw at CACHE. Contact me if you are interested, because seating is limited and there is one more spot.
CACHE Gallery hours are Fridays 1:30-4:00, Saturdays 10:00-4:00, Sundays noon-4:00.
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“Locals” is the name of the current exhibit (i.e. show and sale of art) at CACHE, the new name for Exeter’s Courthouse Gallery and Museum. It stands for Center for Art, Culture, and History in Exeter. THE RECEPTION IS SUNDAY, 2-4 PM.
I began my recorded talk about this oil painting, “Groves, Hills, and Mountains” like this:
“A few years ago I became obsessed with the way that orange groves look against foothills and distant mountains. I took many photos and borrowed from friends, and began painting those scenes.”
If you receive these posts in email and the pictures in the post don’t show for you, tap here It will take you to the blog on the internet.
“Locals” is the name of the current exhibit (i.e. show and sale of art) at CACHE, the new name for Exeter’s Courthouse Gallery and Museum. It stands for Center for Art, Culture, and History in Exeter. THE RECEPTION IS SUNDAY, 2-4 PM.
I began my recorded talk about this pencil drawing, “Big Oak in the Pasture” like this:
“I spent time with a friend who had cattle, and we often passed this large oak, standing by itself in her pasture. Sometimes I looked at the overall shape, and other times I looked at the tangled branches. I think it is a Valley Oak, and it kept calling me back. I took many photos, not sure how they would get used.”