UPDATE: All packages except the Pear Lake Ski Hut have sold.
There are so many opinions about whether or not artists should put their art on sale. I’ve done this in the past with old drawings that are doing me no good in my flat files. I’ve never done it with notecards until now.
Why now? Because when I did inventory of my many designs, there were some that aren’t big sellers and only have a few packages left.
I have minimalist tendencies, and it is an easy thrill for me to get rid of things I am not using. By “get rid of” I mean sell, give to someone who can use it, donate to the local thrift shop (called “The Thingerie” in Three Rivers) or to the Good Will in Visalia (in case the item was a gift from someone in Three Rivers), or if it is truly worn out, toss it. (Yeah, yeah, recycle, sometimes that works too).
Here are the card packages that are now on sale on my website on the notecard page of my store.

The normal price is $10 for a package of 4 cards. The sale price is $6. The sale lasts through the end of the year, for no reason other than the website asks for an end date to a sale.
Will I take these sale packages of cards to the Holiday Gift Fair? Might, might not.