Wilsonia Cabin Porch Drawing

Porches, decks, balconies. . . all those outdoor living spaces are very important to all cabins, including Wilsonia cabins.

willow 1-2

This one was very charming and it was for sale during the project. A friend bought the cabin, so her daughter secretly bought the drawing for her. Then, the mom secretly bought the drawing of her daughter’s cabin for her!

I was caught in a web of cabin gift giving secrets. It was tricky, but I don’t think I spilled any beans.

This four year project, The Cabins of Wilsonia, had many benefits, and one of them was rekindled and new friendships.

Wilsonia Cabin Confusion Drawing

Wilsonia cabin drawing

This Wilsonia cabin kept me confused for a long time. The cabin sits on a corner of 2 roads. On one road, it looks very rustic. On the other, it looks like this.

You can see this drawing and one of the other side in The Cabins of Wilsonia, available for sale here.

The book was a huge project. Confusion was a regular occurrence as I worked through how to depict a cabin community with 212 cabins.

Wilsonia Cabin Drawing

Wilsonia cabin drawing

This is a simple board and batten cabin in a box shape, very reminiscent of Mineral King cabins.

The owner was delightful. Her extended family has about 3 cabins, all within shouting distance of one another. We talked on the phone at least one time and she was so encouraging as I was deep into the project of making The Cabins of Wilsonia.

(It is available here at this link: The Cabins of Wilsonia)

The original pencil drawing of this cabin is available for sale.

All the drawings from The Cabins of Mineral King have sold. Most of the original drawings from The Cabins of Wilsonia are still available.

I wonder why? I definitely draw better now!

Life is full of mysteries.

Wilsonia Cabin Drawing

Wilsonia cabin drawing

The light on this cabin is just beautiful. Light is EVERYTHING in art.

I never did meet the people who own this cabin. They might not even know there is a book called The Cabins of Wilsonia (available here. for $80) They might not even know that there is a great drawing of their cabin in the book. They might not even know that the original drawing of their cabin is for sale.

Isn’t it great to live in The Information Age??

Cabin Drawing from Wilsonia

The Cabins of Wilsonia is available for sale here: The Cabins of Wilsonia

Here is today’s drawing for you.

pencil drawing of wilsonia cabin

I donated the original drawing to the silent auction held each year by the Wilsonia cabin owners. Some lucky person outbid her competitors and won the drawing.

THEN, the owners of the cabin became aware of the drawing. Bummer.

I offered to redraw it for them. We were discussing views, and the Rough Fire came along and Wilsonia got closed. Bummer.

The cabin survived, Wilsonia survived and maybe I’ll get to redraw the cabin for the owners next summer.

I do commissioned pencil drawings of cabins all the time. It is how my business began. It is why I call it “cabinart“.

Commission of Cats with Colored Eyes

Remember, Mr. Customer chose view “C” – a Commission of Cats with Colored eyes?

Here it is, Tabby as a kitten and an adult, Sasha as a kitten and an adult.

colored eyes_edited-1

The kitten on the lower right is perched on some sort of a figurine. I don’t know what it is, but Sasha is in charge of it.

And just for fun, as I was finishing up, I was drinking coffee from a mug that says “. . .and thou shalt have dominion over all the beasts, except, of course, for CATS.”


2015 Cabin Calendars for Sale

There are still a few of the 2016 calendars, “The Cabins of Tulare County” for sale. This calendar is a collection of pencil drawings of cabins in Tulare County. (Captain Obvious speaks again.) It is heavy on Wilsonia, followed by Mineral King, and there is one token Camp Nelson. These drawings are gathered from the book The Cabins of Wilsonia, and various commissioned drawings I’ve done in the past year or two.

Have a look at the unidentified months. I didn’t attempt to find seasonal pictures, other than a snowy cabin in December. Cabins, for the most part, are summer homes.

2016 calendar drawings

The calendars are $15 each, including sales tax. If you send me a check in the mail or money using Paypal, AND YOU GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS (excuse me for shouting – someone ordered via Paypal and didn’t give me her address or answer my email – how is she going to get her calendar??), then I will get your calendar to you and pay the mailing costs. (in the USA only)