Today there are many topics to address, so we will have a long list.
- I went away with my sisters and our Mom for a family funeral. Supposed to be a sad time, but it was surprisingly fun.
Me and four of the most important women in my life feeling happy to be together - Tomorrow and Sunday is the South Valley ARTists’ Studio Tour. Will I see you there? You can buy tickets the day of the event at the places listed on their website.
- I hope the studio tour has more attendance than First Saturday Three Rivers. There were 4 people covering for me at my studio while I was with my chicky-babes (see #1) and 11 visitors. ELEVEN?? Bless you, those eleven who came out in the rain. I hope you enjoyed your wildflower freebie!
- What a week of learning! I actually designed a website for my friend who manages vacation rentals here in Three Rivers. She got tired of waiting for the guy who said he’d do it for her, and I jumped in with both feet but perhaps only half my brain. We will do a lot of polishing, but the site is ready to be seen. Sequoiavacationrentals.NET It was thrilling to be able to help her, to have some experience, to have all sorts of photos to supplement hers, to FIGURE THIS OUT!! It was hard. I did it anyway.
- Why am I designing a site for someone and paying someone else to design a site for me? Because mine is very very complicated. There is much work ahead for me. Good thing I practiced on my friend.
- It was so beautiful in Three Rivers this week that instead of working in the studio (drawings to be done for the 2019 calendar and a few more paintings, including a Sawtooth commission), I pulled weeds. It was a nice break from figuring out how to build a website.
Lots and lots of weeds. - Piper is doing well. There may be kittens soon; I hope the little guy adjusts and is polite.
- Trail Guy took a day trip to Mineral King. The road has a gnarly slide across it above the ranger station.
See why I had to make a list?? And, in case you were wondering, I am not superstitious about today’s day and date combination.