
The Redbud Festival was really good this year. It wasn’t hot, it combined with First Saturday in Three Rivers, it was at the Memorial Building and I had an indoor space. Look at some of the paintings that sold:

This isn’t actually the painting that sold. This one sold a few years ago, and my friend saw it in a book of my oil paintings that I use for display. So, I will paint it for her. Happily, because I think I paint better now!

Cute Li’l’ Things

A while back, I thought I was ordering a dozen of these little bitty 2×2″ canvases. Turns out I ordered a dozen packages of 5 each.  Ummm, oops. They are fun and fairly easy to paint, a good way to try a single subject. A friend/customer requested several fruits of this size. So that she’d have choices, I did multiple versions of each fruit.  She requested a few oranges too, so those are in the works along with a few persimmons. They appear below in a poor quality photo – just to prove I am working on them and not just sitting at the computer!