I have a new friend. Krista Fulbright is an artist, working in watercolor. She moved to Exeter from Missouri (or “Missour-uh”, as another friend pronounces the state) a handful of years ago.
We met at an event at Cache, and I was struck by her sincere sweetness. Sounds corny, but I mean it.
She initiated contact, asking to get together for plein air painting. I told her honestly that I don’t like this activity very much, maybe because whenever I paint this way people ask if I am planning on finishing the painting. Sometimes they say, “That doesn’t look like your regular work”.
Anyway, we had a good conversation, and her response to my declining her invitation was to laugh and say that she understood. She said that we could probably find something else to do together, and I said I was looking forward to it.
We emailed, talked on the phone, texted, and eventually made a plan to get together. She was wondering about reproducing her art, and I offered to share my scanner and knowledge of Photoshop Junior. This resulted in a fun afternoon together in my studio.
As Krista figures out how to earn a living with her art, we discuss different aspects of this squishy and nebulous type of business. I’ve been doing this full-time for 30 years, but I still don’t know much. Things that used to work for me just don’t any more. . . print ads (where??), mailing out postcards (at 51ยข per card just for postage?), art festivals (most cancelled), printing/packaging/selling notecards (who writes anymore??), selling at gift shops (almost all now closed). . . times keep changing quickly. (Anyone read Who Moved My Cheese?)
Together, we explore ideas and share information. I haven’t had many artist friends who are seriously pursuing a career of art. I know a lot of artists, several in cities with large populations, some who rely solely on Fakebook, and many who are hobbyists, or dabblers. Krista is serious, focused, and relentless in improving both her skills and her business.
Krista’s website is https://fulbrightarts.com. Her work is realistic and tight, a style that suits me. It is a privilege to call this hardworking, talented lady my friend.