Which end is up?

There are several commissioned paintings that need to be done before the mural begins. This is not one of them – it is a commission, but the commissioner said, “No Hurry”. (music to my ears!) He has a great 16×20″ photo of Sawtooth with Mineral Peak behind it and has been wanting a painting. His vision is a panorama shaped painting on wrapped canvas. I looked up available sizes, and he chose 18×36″. I cropped his photo using brown craft paper and began to outline the shapes in a gray-blue color.




Next, I turned both pieces upside down, changed to a reddish brown, and corrected the shapes. Sounds crazy, but it works! Why? When it is right side up my brain tells my eye “You know what Sawtooth looks like; just draw it!” When it is upside down, my eye says “A little longer here, a little wider there, this is in line with that, that is to the right of this. . .” while my brain says, “Hunh?”


All at one time!

Yep, a paintbrush in each hand, in my teeth and one per foot. . . of course I am joking! But all of these paintings are wet and in progress and won’t be ready in time for Redbud Festival.  Orders can be taken for commissions. . . 😎

The bridge is slowly advancing – the changes are probably too small to notice yet. The one on the right is in its very first stages – a single layer of paint just indicating where things will be and the general color.


This was one of the first scenes I tackled 4 years ago – wow, it is ever so much easier this time!


On top is the beginning of a commissioned painting of Mineral King in winter. The lower painting has been “mulling” for a long time but now the part above the bridge is finished as are about half the stones in the bridge.


The top painting should look familiar – I have painted it numerous times, but this time it will be a wedding gift. (Giving my art as a gift is a careful decision – does the recipient like my art? Have I chosen the right subject? ) The other 2 paintings are also Mineral King, also repeats. If a subject is great (and if it sells) I repaint it as often as I want. Why not? Can’t think of an good answer, so I’ll keep repeating myself!
