What, me work? Nah. The Retiree is in Mineral King, my book The Cabins of Wilsonia is at the printer, drawing lessons are suspended for July and August, and it is too stinking hot to be down the hill.
So, let’s look at some photos.
July is the month of babies and little critters in Mineral King.
Every year without fail, there are marmots born underneath our cabin. This is a little bit yucky, but I don’t know what to do about it. So, we just take photos. This year is a little different. There is a blind marmot, whom I have named RayCharles. You can tell it is him (her?) by the nose in the air.
Mountain Quail are not the state bird, which is California Quail. These Mountain Quail are usually very very shy. It is tricky, but if you look closely at this photo, you may be able to spot a baby.
Spotted fawns abound. Abounce, too. Bambis, Bambis, everywhere. Hey little guy, watch out for bears!
Austin isn’t really a baby at age 3, but he looks like one to me.
Braden isn’t really a baby either, but he and Austin are the youngest generation of cabin folks in Mineral King.
Hey RayCharles – watch out for bears!