On June 29, I participated in the 2nd annual Art Inspired by Mineral King. This is the title of a show and sale on the deck of the Silver City Store, 4 miles below the Mineral King Valley.

I headed up the road the day before the show, my first time up this season (resulting in yesterday’s post about the condition of the Mineral King Road). When I got to the Oak Grove Bridge, I remembered that I forgot my screen covers. The bridge is 6.5 miles up the Mineral King Road, and my house is 2 miles from the MK Road, but I turned around anyway.
Since only one campground was open and the road is terrible and many of the passes are almost impassable, attendance was spotty. But I’ve told you before how I feel about this: when attendance is low, time with each visitor is high.

Next year, together with the Silver City Store/Resort, we will decide if it is worth putting together a 3rd annual show and sale. I know it is important to be in the public eye, but oh my goodness, I certainly prefer being on vacation while up the hill. Besides, once I get my little old car to the valley, I am loathe to put it through any extra miles on that sorry excuse for a road.