1st Saturday

November 7 is another 1st Saturday in Three Rivers. Here is the map and the flyer of those businesses participating. I will be working at The Art Co-op that day, and we will be featuring clay artist Marn Reich. Here is a sample of her work:  http://www.threeriversartstudiotour.com/artists/reich/reich.htmlYou can learn more about 1st Saturday here: http://www.1stsaturdaytr.com/Okay, I have removed the map and flyer because it was too big, took to long to load, and is now expired! Next time I will try to make it smaller!

1st Saturday

  • http://1stsaturday.blogspot.com/
  • What is this? A town-wide event for merchants, artists, restauranteurs, anyone who would like to join in October 3 in Three Rivers! The idea is for each place of business to do something special, to remind folks down the hill (and in town) that Three Rivers is a good place to go with many choices. Nadi Spencer and The Art Co-op are participating. To learn more, you can visit Nadi’s site http://www.nadispencer.com/ or visit the blog shown at the beginning of this posting.


These little guys are developing a taste for cat food. Wonder if you will see them at 1st Saturday??