Spring in Three Rivers at Kaweah Lake


This is my favorite photo of the whole day. This is one of 3 types of lupine we saw at Kaweah Lake.


This is another type – bush lupine.



Some sort of clover was very abundant and quite fragrant.


This road made me wonder how Three Rivers might be today had Terminus Dam not been built in 1963. The road would meander near the river, and perhaps the river would be more accessible to the public, at least down at that elevation. Most of the river is locked up by private land, and trashy trespassing becomes a real problem every summer.

Visalia, down the hill, would have had massive flooding for many years. It probably would not have the population that it has now, if the dam hadn’t been built.


Like Scarlett, I’ll think about it tomorrow, because today is springtime in Three Rivers and there are wildflowers to gawk at.

Spring in Three Rivers

Trail Guy and I had a road trip planned, although it pains me to leave Three Rivers in spring. However, life interfered, and being prudent, flexible and spontaneous (don’t hurt yourself laughing), we decided to spend spring here in Three Rivers.

Have a look at an excursion to Kaweah Lake.

That is Alta Peak in the distance, and in a month or so all this lake bottom will be underwater.


My great-uncle used to lament all the “drowned wildflower seeds” resulting from Terminus Dam, built in 1963. Hmmm, looks like those seeds were resurrected.


The flat slick rock on the right side leading down to the water is called “Slick Rock”. Duh.




The jagged rocks in the distance are called “Castle Rocks”. Nice name.





Walking in Three Rivers

I love to go walking in Three Rivers, particularly in February, my favorite month for weather. It is really green this year. Muddy too. Thank you God, for rain!!


I got all excited about this beautiful moss. My sister from Oregon looked at me as if I were loopy.


Moss AND lichen, oh my.




There are horses running around in one of my favorite walking areas. I’m not very horsey, but they are beautiful creatures.



This color combination is really beautiful: a reddish horse with a blond mane.


This mare was not pleased with my walking buddy’s walking stick. She looked downright hostile.


Anyone know the right horsey description for this color of horse?


Water! February is so beautiful, especially in a wet winter in Three Rivers.

Snow in Three Rivers

In Three Rivers, February has the capability of bringing snow or wildflowers or both. It has long been my favorite month for weather.


The morning after it snowed, several hundred feet in elevation above my home and studio. . . I had to walk a couple of miles to see snow sticking on the ground.


That afternoon was COLD. I had the heater roaring in the painting studio, and kept poking my camera out the door.


The snow rarely lasts into the afternoon, but this time it was different.



The late afternoon sunlight was beautiful. Snow in Three Rivers is beautiful. February is beautiful.

Want to go for a Walk?

Sometimes I go for walks.

No, lots of times I go for walks.

It is sort of assumed that when women want to hang out with friends that they go shopping and go out to lunch.

Not this woman. I call a friend and say “Want to go for a walk?”

It is one of the best things about living in Three Rivers.

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A peculiar sight. . . it happens occasionally on my walks.IMG_2143

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Bridge Paintings

My favorite bridge is currently my favorite subject for oil painting. (Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Dept.)

The Oak Grove Bridge crosses the East Fork of the Kaweah River, 6.5 miles up the Mineral King Road, out of Three Rivers, in Tulare County, California.

Some governmental agency has declared it to be unsafe. There is talk of rebuilding it, leaving it in place as a foot bridge and building a new driving bridge upstream, and even tearing it down. 

Better start saving $ for my bail, because I might have to chain myself to the bridge and then get arrested.

Nah. I’ll think about that tomorrow. I have some paintings to finish.

Oak Grove Bridge

The detail on the railing is the most difficult part of painting this bridge, especially when it is 8×10″. Too too tiny.


Why is this upside down? Because every part except the top of the painting has wet paint on it. Okay, the back doesn’t have any paint, but you probably figured that out. This one is a commission, and the customer specifically requested detail around all four edges.

Stocking Stuffer Boutique First Saturday Three Rivers

IMG_5744Saturday, December 5, 2015, is what is called “First Saturday” in Three Rivers. I know, thanks, Captain Obvious.

Every first Saturday of the month, special things happen at various businesses and artist studios in Three Rivers.

Tomorrow, the Kaweah Artisans will hold a little show and sale called the “Stocking Stuffer Boutique”. It will be at the same location as last year’s – a one-day location from a generous business person in Three Rivers.

Stocking Stuffer Boutique

Saturday, December 5, 2015

11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

41831 Sierra Drive (at the downstream end of the Kaweah Commonwealth Bldg.)



I will bring;

  • original oil paintings – priced from $20 – $400
  • 2016 calendars, “The Cabins of Tulare County” – $15
  • The Cabins of Wilsonia books – $80
  • Mineral King tee shirts – $25
  • blank journals with photos or oil paintings on the cover – $12
  • notecards – priced from $7 – $10
  • molasses raisin cookies – yum, free snacks!


More Kaweah Post Office Oil Paintings

One of my always-have-in-inventory oil painting subjects is the Kaweah Post Office.

I had two earlier this fall; one was auctioned on eBay to raise money for the Kaweah Post Office, the second was sold, splitting the profits with the Post Office.

A third painting was created as an incentive for a generous man to donate to the Kaweah Post Office.

What is going on here?? The Post Office had an accident, and it needed to be rebuilt. It is now repaired and open again!

I painted another one, and it sold while it was incomplete and wet.

1554 KPO XII


So, I painted another one. This is Kaweah Post Office XIII, 8×10″, $125, and will be available at the First Saturday Three Rivers boutique of the Kaweah Artisans, The Stocking Stuffer.

Details on the boutique will appear on the blog tomorrow.

Perfect Gift Wrap

It’s a wrap. The Perfect Gift Boutique was well attended. There were so many visitors to Three Rivers because of Thanksgiving. There were so many visitors to the Perfect Gift Boutique because they couldn’t get into Sequoia – cars were backed up for a mile or 2, some only to be turned around at the entrance station because they didn’t have tire chains. So, they looked for something to do in Three Rivers and found us.

(All people with websites and email newsletters are supposed to be asking visitors to their booths/shows/studios etc. for email addresses. I asked one man, and it felt invasive and intrusive and weird. Do you have an opinion about being asked for your eddress? I honestly don’t know what to do. I just want to draw and paint, not be some marketer/pushy salesman/obnoxious sellsy eddress gatherer.)

This is a very spacious venue for shows – the Three Rivers Arts Center on North Fork Drive. I spread out on half the stage. It even comes with a throw rug – upscale, indeed.


I tried something new – brought 2 wet paintings on an easel. People were dying to touch them – I watched them battle the temptation. (had a rag on stand-by just in case)



My next door neighbor on the stage was my good friend, the amazing weaver Nikki Crain. We like to do shows together, and have been for about 15 or maybe even 20 years (yeppers, started doing shows at age 10).

I went outside for a brief break to look at the fall color on the Chinese Pistache tree. In front was a redbud tree WITH BLOSSOMS ON IT!!

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So, I went back inside and contemplated the peculiarity while enjoying the colors of my other neighbor, Janene with her lotions, potions and soaps. She makes these things, and her display is full of beautiful blues.



Thus, we wrap up another Perfect Gift Boutique on Thanksgiving weekend in Three Rivers.

It’s a wrap!

Perfect Gift Boutique coming Friday and Saturday


What are you doing, California Artist? I mean Central California Artist?

I’m pretending to be a sign painter again.


There is a show coming soon for the Kaweah Artisans.


A loosely formed group of craftswomen, men and artists who are sort of based within the Kaweah River area.


“Kah-WEEE-uh” is the name of the river which has 5 branches in the Three Rivers area of central California.

Three or five? I know Tulare Co. is the 3rd least educated county in the state, but can’t you people even count to five?

‘Tis a mystery, indeed. But you are getting off track here. I want to tell you about the upcoming show for the Kaweah Artisans.

Why don’t you do it in big bold letters, maybe in red or something.

Good idea!

the annual Perfect Gift Boutique

Friday, November 27 – 28

Three Rivers Arts Center

Just over the North Fork Bridge, first building on the left

Times to be announced, sign to be painted, better get some hustle in your bustle, Central California Artist!
