Pioneers In Paradise

What means this? It is the title of a new book, the 100 year history of Three Rivers by my dear friend, former drawing student and fantastic knitter Sophie Britten!

Pioneers in Paradise

I had the privilege of helping Sophie with the proofreading of this book so it was quite the thrill to hold it in my hands and celebrate with her! (and if you find any typos, I don’t think we want to know about it.) Here she is on the porch of my cabin. She looked so cute and happy that I insisted on taking her photo to use in the book. (what a pushy chick I am!)

Sophie knitting on the deck of a Mineral King cabin

Book Signings

 March 9,  Tulare County Historical Society Meeting

March 23, Three Rivers HIstory Museum

The book is available on Sophie’s website and on Amazon.

Everyone Loves a Rainbow

We enjoyed a fabulous rainbow last week. It was the full deal, complete with an echo or a reflection or whatever the right term is.

I love rainbows. Who doesn’t love a rainbow? They are a gift from God. Just are. There is a verse in James (in the New Testament of the Bible) that says “every good gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights”. This rainbow was definitely in that category.

I know. I’ve probably lost half my readers with my God-talk. I’m sorry. Here. Let me make it up to you with some fantastic photos of the rainbow. How can someone not feel inspired by this? (especially someone who draws every day in shades of gray instead of painting with lots of colors!)

What passes for winter in Three Rivers would make my friends in Northern climates just moan in envy.

Random Thoughts on a Friday

1. Nothing to report about Mineral King. You can look at the webcam. I’m drawing in the studio, and Trail Guy is probably skiing. I think he should be renamed “Ski Guy” this winter.

pencil drawing of Wilsonia cabin


2. I used to have a Blog Roll, which is a list of blogs I read. I don’t think any of my readers were checking those out, so in the interest of less visual clutter, I removed them. I still read those that post regularly.

3. I added the link to my other blog, The Cabins of Wilsonia. It is called “my other blog”. It is all I think about. I draw almost every day. Pencils, cabins, drawings, Wilsonia, the book, The Book, THE BOOK, THE BOOK. 

4. No wonder Ski/Trail Guy is always on the slopes.

5. Trail Guy/Ski Guy had dinner waiting for me 4 nights last week! Isn’t that fantabulous?

6. If you know someone with the initials REC in Three Rivers, wish her Happy Birthday today!

An Afternoon and Evening at The Lake

Growing up in Tulare County we simply referred to Lake Kaweah, created by Terminus Dam, as “The Lake”.

Kaweah Lake

(and there is still a stupid dark spot on the lens.)

Now that I’ve lived in Lemon Cove (at the base of the dam) and Three Rivers (on the rivers that flow to The Lake), I’ve learned that it is The Lake. Not “Kaweah Lake”, (pronounced “Kuh-WEE-uh”, not the River Kwai!) but The Lake.

Kaweah Lake

At this time of year, there is a lot of real estate at The Lake bottom for camping, walking, biking, and horseback riding.

Kaweah Lake

Our very dear friends, whom I shall call “Cowboy Bert and The Captain”, have horses. They brought them to The Lake and camped and rode for several days. I’d show you a photo but the only one I have shows The Captain bending over to inspect Blue Doc’s feet, and I don’t show photos of friends bending over. Makes you want to be friends with me, hunh?

Kaweah Lake at dusk

We joined them  for dinner on 2 evenings – we really know how to whoop it up on New Year’s Eve! Ummmm, not.

Kaweah Lake

Going places, even in my own town of Three Rivers, provides inspiration. IF I were painting these days, which I am not unless it is a commissioned piece, I’d probably paint one of the top 2 scenes (minus the weird spot on the lens).

Which is your favorite photo? (and please disregard the weird spot)

More about studio artists

Last week I wrote about studio artists in this blog post.

Working from photos isn’t the only choice for a studio artist. Sometimes they set up still life things (Still lifes? Still lives? “Things” works for me.) Sometimes they work from sketches they made outside. Sometimes they paint people who sit still and try not to fidget. Sometimes they finish paintings they began outside.

Sometimes they just make stuff up.

If I tried to paint this scene while sitting here, I might get hit by a car.

I’d fall off the bank if I was standing at my easel here and a car came by. There is no shoulder on this road right here.

Painting from photos is often considered “cheating”, not “real art”, and cheesy by many in the ArtWorld.

Ask me if I care. . . never been very affected by others’ opinions. (“Do you care?” – “Why do you ask?”)

Am I a fake artist? A cheater?

Nope. Don’t think so. Hate that snobbery, so there.

But, I know I could learn if I tried those other things. If I get bored with my current style of painting, or when someone comes along and says “Hey, want to learn how to paint differently? I’ll show you!” and I can fit it into my life, I might say yes. Until then?

I’ll just keep working from my photos.

If I stood on the bridge to paint this scene, I’d flinch and grit my teeth every time a car drove over the seam on the bridge because it makes a loud rattle.

I’m glad we had this little chat. Thanks for listening. Always nice to visit with you all!

First Saturday December

It only rained a little bit, off and on, no umbrellas required. The rain didn’t deter Linda, Maggie, Beth, Gail, Ron, Judy, Jeannie, Bonnie, Sara, Gary, Vanessa, Tom, Becky, Sonya or Rachelle!

(I was just practicing my memory skills.)

I saw this on my way over to the studio this morning. A grey day really shows off the yellow leaves (and the orange cone in the distance!)

inside Jana Botkin's studio

Art, flowers, cookies, music – people enjoyed visiting my studio (or maybe they were just being polite).

Guest/friend/customer Judy thought the remaining leaves on the flowering pear tree would be a good subject for photography. She was right – thank you, Judy!

flowering pear leaves photo by Jana Botkin

flowering pear leaves photo by Jana Botkin

The Exclusive Perfect Gift Boutique in Review

The Perfect Gift Boutique happened over the weekend. It has become a tradition for the Kaweah Artisans to hold this exclusive event on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving at the Three Rivers Arts Center.

Three Rivers Arts Center

Exclusive? Well, the Arts Center is small, so we have to exclude any exhibitor who doesn’t say “Yes” soon enough to procure a space.

Three Rivers Arts Center interior

Exclusive? We are all folks who make what no one else makes. That could be more accurately defined as “unique”, but that is such an overused term.

Tina St. John jewelry

Exclusive? We are from Tulare County, primarily foothill towns, primarily Three Rivers. If an artist from another town with a product that no one else was showing and selling asked, we would consider her. We are all California artists.

gourd ornaments

Exclusive? We aren’t a bunch of man-haters. We have included men in the past. Just turns out that we are all women.


wood turned bowl


Artisans? We all make our own products. That includes weaving, soy candles, soaps and lotions and perfumes, jewelry, photography, gourd art including ornaments, wood turned bowls and vases and platters, oil paintings on canvas, ornaments, journals and cards (that would be my work).

Perfect Gift Boutique

Care to join us next year, either as an exhibitor or as a shopper?

Perfect Gift Boutique

The Perfect Gift Boutique is an annual event put on by The Kaweah Artisans.

Three Rivers California arts center

Can you see the Arts Center? It is over there!!

It is low-key. There are 7 of us showing and selling our work in an old converted house across the river from the main part of Three Rivers on North Fork Drive. I put all my Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music on, and we just hang out and wait for people to come. We talk to the guests, help them choose gifts or just catch up with them and enjoy one another’s company.

The participants this year are: Tina St. John – jewelry, Anne Birkholz – wood turning, Sam McKinney – gourd art/ornaments, Ginny Wilson – Blue Ridge Photography, Nikki Crain – handweaving/soy candles, Janene Laswell – Ja Nene Natural Body Products. and me.

Friday, November 23 and Saturday, November 24. Three Rivers Arts Center, North Fork Drive (just across the bridge, first building on the left), 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Bazaar, not Bizarre

The annual Three Rivers Senior League Holiday Bazaar happened on a rainy day. This might be the third year in a row, which isn’t really bizarre. I am not complaining – the rain is always welcomed in this part of the world. Central California feeds the world, and it requires irrigation to grow all that food, which requires snow in the mountains.

three rivers memorial building in the morning rain

This is what I saw when I pulled up in the morning. I never did make it outside to see what was under those tents. Hardy folks, those artists!

oil paintings on display in art fair booth

Since I set up the night before, I was greeted by this sight. Well spaced, missing a banner that says “cabinart” because the pole was sort of falling apart. Lots of space for people to enter and not get trapped by a hungry pushy saleswoman/artist. That wouldn’t be me. I am not hungry, pushy, or a saleswoman. Sigh. Perhaps I should learn how to be. Never mind. I’d rather paint. (I was a little hungry – forgot to eat breakfast that morning!)

outside the 3 Rivers Mem. Bldg.

Because I was set up, it gave me time to admire the view out the windows.

Creekside Yarns booth at the holiday bazaar

I was so pleased to have Creekside Yarns as my booth neighbor. They were pleased also, because I offered them the backside of my screens, hooks for hanging, and help hanging their merchandise. If I wasn’t such a disciplined artist, I would spend most of my daylight hours at Creekside Yarns. That is my favorite form of procrastination. They are my favorite shop. Knitting is my favorite thing to do outside of work. Happy sigh.

Nikki Crain at her loom

This is my friend and former drawing student, Nikki Crain. She is a weaver of awesome ability, an artisan extraordinaire, a first-class fiberist. (I just made that word up because I was on an alliterative role, sort of) Look at those trees!! She has the best booth space.

Three Rivers Holiday Bazaar

There was steady traffic, but the booths were seldom crowded. This gave lots of opportunities to really converse with the folks who stopped by. The Three Rivers Holiday Bazaar is one of the easiest shows that I do – close to home, set up the night before, one day only, not very expensive, well attended by people sincerely interested in Christmas shopping who are friendly and intelligent. This seems like it should be a common thing, but the more shows I do, the more I appreciate this little event, here in Central California in the rainy autumn foothills. Happy sigh.

p.s. All the calendars sold. I ordered 8 more, and they are now all spoken for. (Yes, Jon and Ralph, you are on that list!)