Mineral King Wildflowers: Common Names

This is the title of my next book. “My next book” – What? do you think you are an author? Well, I make books, so maybe I am an author. My books are picture books, so maybe I am an artist who makes books. “Maybe”?
Sigh. It is hard to talk about oneself and sound informative and not self-absorbed.
Wait. I’m not talking about me; I’m talking about my next book.
Fine. Then get on with it, will you?
The design is solidified, finished, stick a fork in it and call it done.
The main blocks of words are the Preface and the Conclusion; both have been sent away for editing.
The cover’s first draft, has been sent to my designer nephew to make sure I haven’t made any gross errors. He said, “The layout is pleasing. It reminds me of some of my old calligraphy and lettering book covers.” I believe it was his polite way of letting me know my sense of style is out of date. I doubt that my customers will notice. They are all older than he is.
Next tasks: buy a bar code, write the back “blurb” (when did “blurb” become a word? AND I continue to puzzle over this most difficult task), rework the parts that have been changed during the editing, refine the cover design (oh boy, this involves downloading a template to use with Photoshop Elements on my old laptop, can’t wait), and finally, send it to the printer for one proof copy.