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Twelve Reasons to Write Notes

Do you write notes to people?

Do you get notes from people?

Writing notes is now a rarity; people switched to phone calls, then email, and finally texting, where punctuation, complete sentences, and spelled out words are an oddity. (“The word is ‘before’, not B4. Around here we speak English, not Bingo.”)

Consider these reasons for writing:

  1. It makes people feel good.
  2. No one has ever cherished an email or a text.
  3. Mail is fun.
  4. You can practice your writing skills.
  5. You can practice your penmanship.
  6. It gives our wonderful postal carriers purpose.
  7. It makes gratitude tangible.
  8. You can use my notecards. 
  9. Sometimes people will email a response or even write a note back to you. 
  10. It acknowledges the fact that someone did something for you that wasn’t required.
  11. It keeps manners alive.
  12. It will set you apart from others.

Notecards available here: Cabinart/Store/Notecards



  1. Ok, so I’ll be the pest that points out that you said eleven reasons but gave us twelve. I suppose that number 12 is just a bonus reason, right?

    • Thank you, Dan! The ideas came faster than I could update the headline.

  2. You know I’m one of the biggest fans of sending cards to people. And I like to send pretty cards- so I send yours and other artists … so fun.

    One of the young guys I worked with ( 40) … has started to follow my lead and sent me a real birthday card. I write occasionally to him and his wife.

    I take note writing to another level in that it’s a ministry of sorts. I make sure to write to the older people in my life. My moms friends- older relatives. They don’t get enough fun mail. During my devotions I pray about who you send a card to- sometimes it’s the vet! Ha ha

    So keep producing them! You have a loyal customer here! ?

    • Anne, what a vital and encouraging ministry! I am honored that you use my cards for this.

  3. Yes!
    Sometimes; not as often as I used to (sadz).
    I always spell out all words in all messages. It’s only right and proper. And besides, all the teachers in my family would be horrified if I didn’t! (I thought Bingo was a board game with little chips to cover up squares?)

    2. You can save handwritten notes in a file, then when you’re feeling low, bring them all out and remember how much you are loved by many!
    10. It acknowledges the time and effort someone made to give you a gift by taking some time and effort to handwrite a thank you note.
    12. Unfortunately, very true. How many people do you know who handwrite thank you (or any kind of) notes? Off-hand, I can think of 3. Four, if I count Yours Truly.

    And for numbers 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9, too!

    • Dear Sharon,

      Every time you comment, I feel warm and fuzzy. Thank you for being such a loyal reader, commenter, and mostly, friend.


      P.S. Not handwritten

      • Awe, that gives ME warm fuzzies!

        (Not handwritten, either, but sincere.)

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