- There is something called “Allergic Pneumonitis” that you can get from breathing the dust of certain tree bark and sawdust. I learned this the hard way.
- When bad things happen, such as Allergic Pneumonitis, the best question is “What does this make possible?” What it made possible was uninterrupted time for me to work on my new website. Not ready yet, but I sure have been learning how to operate new computery things behind the scenes.
- Roundworm makes kittens have round bellies. (You are welcome.)
- Manx cats are an unnatural, human perpetuated “breed” of cat. There are “stumpies” with a stub of a tail, and “rumpies” with no stub whatsoever. Sometimes they happen by accident; sometimes breeders try to create these creatures. The “rumpies” often are undeveloped in many critical body parts. I’ve heard that when cats are born this way without either parent being like this, that it has to do with malnourishment in the womb. Whatever it is, I won’t be making the mistake of choosing such a creature again. Sigh.
- One of the best memoirs I have read in awhile is Educated by Tara Westover. WOW and WOW. I must have learned something. Mostly I was completely captivated by her courage, toughness, fantastic writing, and brilliant mind.
- Maeve Binchy has been my favorite novelist for many years (I named a cat after her). In May I discovered Monica McInerney, whose characters are as complete and stories are as engrossing as Maeve’s. (The only drawback is that she treats sex like a spectator sport. With paper books, unlike audio books, one can flip past the parts that don’t enhance the storyline.) Family Baggage might be the best I’ve read of hers so far.
- Lots of successful people listen to talks over and over by people like Zig Ziglar, Og Mandino, and Brian Tracy, all motivational speakers who help people set and make goals. I learned from one of those guys that “We become what we think about”, and that we have to write down goals and read them every day and think about them. But what I really learned is that I am fairly goalless, just drifting along on auto pilot. This is a topic for further exploration in another blog post down the road.
- Ever heard of “bullet coffee”? I have no idea why it is called this. People put coconut oil or butter in their coffee, sometimes running it through a blender. I had no idea why they would do this, since I am still stuck with one foot in the land of Fat-Is-Bad. But I learned that the fat slows down the caffeine in one’s system. Hmmm, why isn’t it called “time release coffee”?
Sometimes Piper just needs to park on my briefcase and join me as we contemplate matters of consequence. P.S. I forgot my resolution to show my paintings regularly, so I’ll start again now.

We also once had a “rumpie” cat. Agree, will never choose one again. Our’s didn’t make it after heroic efforts by our vet and our family.
Nancy, don’t you wonder why this isn’t more known?? And why did Maeve have to be the cutest and most lovable? Was it her odd body proportions? Her long hair? Her always slightly befuddled responses? Thanks for sharing because it always helps to know that others have experienced a similar difficult situation.
I disagree that you are goalless. You’ve written and published 2 books. More than that — you illustrated them. Huge! I can go on… ?
Thank you, Donna. I am good figuring out projects, but it is the large Where-Am-I-Going, What-Is-My-Point type question that I am lacking. . .
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